Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 creative ideas to keep you connected to your best dreams all year.

Happy New Year Everyone! 

I'll admit to feeling a little rebellious when it comes to doing things when I'm "supposed" to sometimes, but there's no denying that many of us feel an upsurge in motivation and a desire for a fresh start at this beginning time of year that is hard to resist. Refocusing on creating our best dreams and living life in fabulous resonation with health, wealth, peace and love naturally leads us to setting goals and listing intentions, charting life maps, designing vision boards and cracking open fresh paged dream journals. We sign up for classes and memberships, try to downsize our clutter to up-level our space and entertain all around hopeful habits. But... we also know how easily that energy, commitment and motivation wanes as some of the shine fades into daily routines. So, here are 5 super easy things- that are a little bit practical and a little bit magickal- you can do right now, while still riding the tide of New Year energy to tend to your dreams, stay connected to yourself and keep the good mojo flowing throughout the year. 

1.) Use your planner, calendar and phone alerts to send positive messages to your future self;  plug a message into your reminders on your phone right now and set it to repeat every month.

2.) This idea comes from an old belief that the first 12 days of January will reflect the energy for the whole year. Keep track of how you feel, what you do and the overall energy of each day for the first 12 days of January. Try to distill it into one or two words, then transfer each day's word to the corresponding month on your calendar page.

3.) Write a little love note to yourself now about this holiday season, what was good, what you wish you would have done differently and a happy wish to yourself and loved ones. Then pack it away with any decorations that you'll be unpacking and seeing again during the 2017 holidays.

4.) Take a time-time-travelling journey, 3, 6, 9  and 12 months into your calendar pages and write down a question to yourself about something your future self will be able to answer about your progress and lessons throughout the year. 

5.) Purchase 12 small white candles and a clear glass candle holder or one large glass pillar candle and inscribe the candle or decorate the glass holder with a symbol or word that represents what you are dreaming and planning and wishing and working towards for 2017, set aside to burn on the full moon each month. *set the full moon dates as a reminders in your phone

see... easy! The most important thing is to be kind and encouraging to yourself. Track the good in your life on a daily basis, no matter how small or overshadowed by life's plot twists- because it's not a one or the other situation. By setting yourself up in a practical way now, you create the flow for magick all year. xo