Sunday, February 23, 2014

From vision bored to Vision Board

When the world looks bleak, it's time to dream up something new- Molly Hall

It's that time of year again- Vision. Board. Time.

I know a lot of folks like to do some form of a vision board/ life map/ wish collage in January, start the new year off fresh and all. I used to start off with that intention myself, the first week of January I'd think about what I'd like to manifest in my life and begin accumulating magazines. I'd have a field day ripping through the piles of periodicals like a fevered archeologist, uncovering images that spoke to me, even if I didn't understand what they were saying. And I'd amass quite a collection, my eye would be attuned to any piece of junk mail, catalog, flyer that crossed my path for Vision. Board. Imagery. I'd make a special trip to the craft store to get my big foam core poster board along with more glue sticks I could ever possibly need (fear of loss- but that's a rabbit hole to go down another time). Somewhere mid-January while the great grey beast of a Northeast Ohio winter settled into my bones, I would gather my arsenal, clear off the dining room table, neatly arrange my sacred tools in a pleasing altar-like fashion and...

               ::cue crickets::

By Groundhog's Day a fine layer of dust could be seen, on my pile of magickal manifestation tools. By the end of February my materials had been moved at least a couple times, shuffled here and there in the house, winding up either in the office or perched precariously atop some stack of something in my art room. And there the stuff would sit. Some years I felt mocked by these pieces parts, and would mudslide right into a shame spiral about how symbolic it is, how I "never finish anything" and "really can't do anything right" and so on. All voices of my over reaching mind, (recent ah-ha moment: I tend to over think things). It was also my first reflection of how I get in my own way, (second recent ah-ha moment: not everything has to be a Big. Production.) I would eventually dismantle my little family of Vision Board tools, adding some of the magazine pics to my organized chaos of collage materials and recycling the rest, the foam core would get hidden behind my desk, glue sticks and scissors stashed back in bins and cups. And another year would roll on.

But recently something else happened, maybe as a result of finally learning to let go of some of the perfectionism, or maybe just embracing the fact that its ALL perfect, it's ALL good, I realized that whatever the experience, it has value. That regardless of the product, or lack thereof, I have value. And boy, did that ever help me lighten up!! I came to realize that the *process* (or the journey, if you like) is what's really important. I'm certainly not inventing the wheel here with this insight- plenty of others have stumbled upon this delicious little morsel well before my lightbulb went off, and yet, when you really *get* something, in your brain AND your heart, it feels so alive and fresh and new that you just want to shout it from the rafters. It's not about *being* perfect, it's about BEING ALIVE! So in honor of embracing the full Aliveness of Life I'm initiating a
Big Life Vision Board Extravaganza
              ::cue cheering crowd::

I'll be hosting a month-long cyberparty which will include 3 *free* teleconference gatherings and the creation of a supportive and enthusiastic commUnity via private Facebook group to cheer us on along the way. 

When: 8pm EST
      Friday, February 28, 2014- New Moon: Initiate the Process
      Thursday, March 13, 2014- Full Moon: Increase the Momentum
      Thursday, March 27, 2014- New Moon:  Activate the Vision

Where: From the comfort of wherever you are!

How: Once you've registered with me (just let me know you want in), I'll add you to the private Facebook group and you'll get the magic call-in number. Please note that this isn't a toll free number, so if you call in, your normal long distance charges will apply. 

20"x30" Foam core presentation board or poster board
Magazines, images, etc.
Glue sticks
Sharp scissors

Looking forward to our adventure! 

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