Monday, February 6, 2017

Consciousness Alert: Focusing on FOR

We're moving right along in our collective awakening so I thought it was a good time to share a consciousness alert. I can feel palpable energy surge in the uprising Love Revolution and it feels like the grassroots of resistance is evolving and becoming a grounded force focusing on FOR. 

What does it mean to "focus on FOR"? It's very simple (although not necessarily easy!). It means deliberately setting our INTENTION to focus our ATTENTION on a positive creative vision. Eyes and heart wide open. Fiercely. 

Believing is seeing

What we struggle against (aka: resist) often creates a tighter grip. 
Rather than resist and get strangled in the tangle, think of a sprouting seed, a little tendril spiraling out from a newly cracked open shell, this root sinking in, using resistance to launch its own growth up through the soil; a persistent intention to move in response to what is drawing it up, up UP. 

Our conscious intention and how we decide to use it will determine what we grow. It requires being able to navigate the issues at hand, using them to move us forward without becoming ensnared by them. It requires maturity rather than petulance and it requires that we take each problem on one step at time, a practical assessment of what is while being led by a VISION of what we desire. 

The obstacle is the path

So what to do if you're feeling burned out? Here's a very simple exercise to reframe and focus on FOR: 
Breathe. Set an intention to be curious. Drop your shoulders. Acknowledge what sucks. Breathe again. Ask yourself why it sucks. Breathe again. Listen deeply because this is where you'll find the clues to what you are FOR instead of against (e.g.: against xenophobia = FOR inclusion and understanding). Let this guide you. Let it teach you about who you need to be, what you need to do to authentically embody your FOR. Every time you catch yourself in resistance, feeling blocked or burned out, use it like rocket fuel to launch yourself up; look it deep in the heart and ask yourself where you're focused- are you being drawn by what you are FOR or are you being sucked into a knife fight with what you're against.  After you've looked at what you *don't want*, recognize it for what it is, bless it with gratitude for showing you where to go next and then give your attention back to the highest vision of what you DO want and grow from there. 

We got this XO 

#persistinlove #livewithintention 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thought seeds and a 10-second Imbolc Pathworking

In the midst of winter I found within myself 

an invincible summer 

~Albert Camus

If Nature is the wisest of teachers, then the Wheel of the Year is her classroom. With Nature as our guide, the Wheel offers us real-time experiences of being in relationship to the light AND the dark of life, to explore our inner AND outer worlds, and to again and again come to new levels of understanding as we develop “Spirit Sight”; the eyes to see meaning and magick nestled within all things.

As the Wheel brings us from one season to the next here on the western half of Mama Gaia we find ourselves poised on the precipice of the celebration of Imbolc. This observance marks the midpoint of the long dark wintertime.The magickal energy of the Imbolc season beckons us to honor both the symbolic seeds and roots of our own life path and to open our awareness to the very real stirring of life all around us. This moment in the dark winter dreamtime carries the message of faith in the Unseen, and beckons us to listen to those creative impulses calling out, nudging us to yawn and stretch and snuggle into a soft awakening. 

Body of Flowers by Meganne Forbes

Although the journey is still long before us, mystical Imbolc invites us to pause and feel into our own center, the spark of our own creative fire that lights the way and urges us onward. Imbolc initiates us on a quest toward light that cannot yet be seen, but felt, felt, felt in the ancient depths of our Soul memory. Take a moment to do your own path working right where you are: visualize a seed buried deep in the rich, frozen darkness of earth just beginning to get the message to wiggle and grow and crack it's shell. The same force of Life, this Divine Intelligence, that tells the seeds to grow, flows through all of us, at the ready to guide us as we go along, if we listen. 

Wishing you much love, a stoked inner fire and heartened blessings for the journey.