Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tonight is the night of Faery Delight....

Hello Priestesses, Holy Men and Makers of Magick...
Today is Beltane Eve, it sits in polar balance of October's Samhain, so the same energies apply, they are just directed differently. But the Veil is thin, the stars are out, Magick is Here. Join me in the Faery dance, Heart to Heart, clap your hands and say "I believe", tie ribbons to trees with prayers and wishes and blessings, sprinkle your one-of-a-kind Priest/ess-Love on the Mother, and hold the door-way open wide, washing it in your tears and rocking it with your laughter.

Beltane is a sensual and mischievious time. Whirl and Twirl and Dream Dream Dream. Enchant the whole damn world!!!! Make love like a maniac to all of Life. Let it in, Let it out. Weave the Maypole of generativity, fertilizing your best and most creative visions!

Real-ize the power of LIFE unfolding and embrace the gift...get in, jump in and throw your arms open to the wind yelling Y-E-S!!!!!! and play on purpose, with a madness that ignites your soul....
Take a branch symbolizing the Divine Masculine; dig a little hole in the ground symbolizing the Divine Feminine; crisscross your prayers into colored ribbon around the branch and insert the "pole in the hole" with gusto!!! I know it's a bit irreverant- but that doesn't mean it's not Sacred!!! Go to the Gypsy Wagon for a special little chant...I hope you are giggling a bit right now...and Celebrating the Celebration that you are. That WE are. Love. YOU.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day prayers of gratitude and healing!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Holding on and letting go...

I love the word "Halleluiah" when Patty Griffin sings it in her song "Trapeze". I love the sound of our rattling old furnace and the crisp sun shining outside. I love the little bright green buds peeking out from our Lilac tree and find it especially sweet when tiny purple finches sit among the branches. I love that I'm going to see my nieces today and they'll be wearing their Easter dresses that make them look like little pixies...

...I love how through the simple act of writing I can touch emotions that are so raw they have no story. I love the feeling of rushing tides, the feeling of bittersweet loss, of wondering, wondering, wondering and remembering I'm glad I have memories...and secrets...

...There aren't many, but the secrets I do have are delicious and heartbreaking and probably what defines me the most. My secrets are at the core of my truth, my dreams, my desires and knowings. I love that I've experienced a loss that is ageless because it is never really lost . When I'm smiling that little smile set aside just for those moments of exquisite memory, I love knowing these secrets are mine and mine alone. I let them roll around in my heart space and I cry them out in my tears and I savour every juicy second. Every heartstopping, breathtaking, world-colliding, star-crossed second. I love that I love...

...I have endless moments of love in my life, and yet there are a very quiet few that had I not had my life would have been as dull as an old tin can. I am grateful, ceaselessly grateful for moments stolen from reason and rules and safety, when the Gypsy Soul rode free and my fingers traced what could have been along the skin of yesterday...knowing all the while there is no end, there is only now. And through a long tunnel of silence, I return, my reverie fading to distant shores and I come back to creaking floor boards and the sun that is still shining...